Marc Malloy – Founder of Sevenya LLC

Marc has over thirty years of experience in the healthcare industry. Prior to founding Sevenya, Marc was a Senior Vice President for Mission Health; he joined Mission to lead the health system’s efforts for Population Health Management. He was the founding executive of Mission Health Partners, a clinically integrated network of 1,100 physicians and three hospital systems. Early in development, Mission Health Partners filed for a contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid under the Medicare Shared Savings Program – the contract was awarded in December 2014. Mission Health Partners was accountable to CMS for delivering higher quality, lower costs and integrated care to 103,000 western North Carolinian’s. Subsequently, Marc founded Healthy State, another wholly-owned subsidiary for Mission Health which marketed health plan coverage options to employers, based on the Mission Health Partners population health capabilities.
Prior to joining Mission, Marc was the CEO of Ascentia Health Care Solutions, a company founded by Marc, on behalf of physician investors. Ascentia was acquired by Healthways in 2012, and in the intervening time, Marc was the President of Healthways’ Health Plan Markets.
In the summer of 2012, Marc testified before the US Senate Finance Committee on Innovations in Health Care in which he described the successful strategies used by an IPA of 250 primary physicians in southeast Pennsylvania to deliver high quality, low cost healthcare. Marc and his Ascentia team led Renaissance Health Network to become the first Pioneer ACO under President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Prior to his work at Ascentia, he served Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Board for Coventry Health Care of Delaware and Maryland – a $400 million-dollar enterprise. Before working for Coventry, Marc served as Head of Medical Economics for Aetna’s Southeast Region. Marc attended Kennesaw State University where he received his MBA with a concentration on Entrepreneurship and his BBA in Finance with a minor in Economics.