Emily Burns

With over 13 years of experience, Emily has worked in a variety of different settings and roles in the healthcare industry, including healthcare management consulting, managed care contracting, and physician organization management and administration. She has extensive experience with financial risk-sharing arrangements as well as value-based payment models, including commercial shared savings arrangements and governmental programs, such as Medicare Advantage, Managed Medicaid, the Medicare Shared Savings Program, Direct Contracting, and Comprehensive Primary Care Plus.
Emily began her healthcare career with Ascendant HealthCare, a national healthcare consulting organization. In this role, she worked with large self-insured health plans to develop and implement employee benefit plan and health care cost management strategies through the application of data driven analytics.
Most recently, Emily served as Executive Director of The Queen’s Health System’s Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO in Hawaii. As Executive Director, she managed the strategic direction and operations of a network with over 900 providers and 17,000 Medicare beneficiaries. While at Queen’s, Emily served additional leadership roles, including Administrator of Queen’s Akoakoa Physician Organization and Manager of Network Development and Contracting for the Queen’s Clinically Integrated Physician Network. In her role as Administrator of Queen’s Akoakoa Physician Organization, Emily oversaw initiatives related to quality, process, and performance improvement encompassing over 80 primary care physicians and 50,000 commercial lives.
Prior to joining The Queen’s Health System, Emily worked for the Hawaii Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan, Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA). At HMSA, she managed value-based contracts and managed care agreements with large Physician Organizations and Health Maintenance Organizations to improve quality of care for HMSA’s 800,000 members.
Emily received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and her Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh.